DRAFT ~The Twitterer talked about them as if they exist in any sort of future of civilization sense. They don't. Anyone this gone is already fully gone as a society and civilization. To get it back, you have to have more children and teach them properly, not with that music and fake news crap. https://twitter.com/TheRightMelissa/status/1733114418337046801 I have to mention that later I thought about an aspect that leads up to this condition: because of: * Toxic feminists * Thieving women * Divorce partner takes half * Child Support Payment System * Prejudice in courts to give women the children as a man your progeny get turned by the toxic fascist feminist nazi into fentanyl marxists who commit crime and die early, with your home and your money, and you get sent to prison because you can't afford child support payments, for this crime. ~THAT is why men don't marry and have children. The women were corrupted. The leftists have been corrupting women for so long that our very own country's women will advocate killing us men and torturing us to death and getting in bed with the most evil Nazies on the planet. Male children in our school systems see this and want nothing to do with those pilled up undouched feminist nazies that surround them, and it's been this way for half a century in many areas of our country already.~ ~I forgot to mention in my list two toots up the stinky feminists and pill taking which turns men off (see monkey studies of male monkies around female monkies on The Pill, the birth control pill: they aren't interested; same with human men, I am 99% sure, since I have the same reaction). So, that set up the men to not be interested in being manly for women in the first place. Then on top of that we offshored all our factories, so none of our men do real work. Then we don't make money in~ ~fascist marxist USA (THANKS TO NIXON, a damned Republican, who sold out our government to China, so not all the evil ones are Democrats, but most of them are), so even if we wanted to BUCK THE TREND AND FIND AN UNUSUAL PRO-USA PRO-HUMAN PRO-CHILD WOMAN, we couldn't afford it. We're SEVERAL generations past that now; the children you see in the OP (original post) above is at least the 2nd or 3rd generation since this whole anti-marriage (I forgot AFDC!!!!) Child Support Payment and Woman Takes~ ~Half system got implemented, so they don't even know what it's like to have a father and a healthy marriage, and they are all about surviving in a post-family world. So, given that set up, a bit of twirking doesn't seem that bad when they're young. But my point is still that since we have those Child Support Payment laws and Woman Takes Half laws for divorce, and AFDC and Woman Gets All The Children court prejudices, then this death of our civilization will continue unabated. Those are actual~ ~laws that are fast ruining our country, and by most accounts, already have ruined our country. I think there's a sliver of a chance we can get it back, if we immediately get rid of those laws and prejudice judges and teach enough of our children how to have more children and build their own factories, businesses, and homes on their own owned lands, along with farms and mines for minerals, all those things the Marxists convinced us are evil, but that which we need to survive as individuals,~ ~civilization, and a country of freedoms and morals.~