I would love to prenup you

May 16, 2024

Men: It is better for you to get fucked in the ass than let a sperm slip past an unprenupped woman. (If you're not gay or bi, then just jack off.)

Always prenup your women before the first date or encounter continues. Your opening line should be "I would love to prenup you", and if the answer is anything but her signing it, you need to cut off the relationship right there.

And these prenups must totally counteract the situations of the spouse who steals the children you invested in getting Child Support Payments (CSPs) and spouse (or ex-spouse) takes half in divorce. The prenups should give you financial compensation for all investments you put into your children (even unborn) who you do not have posession of, proportional to the amount of investment you put in of their 19 year gestation and emancipation time period multiplied times their childhood assistance of your needs and their older earning years support of you that you lose from such theft or abortions, as well as the financials must counteract any CSPs on top of that. Without this prenup, you cannot go with that woman, not even for a second; you must pick a man for the night (or minute), or use your imagination.

You should realize we hear the bad CSP stories from the drunks all the time because they're too stupid and unable to control themselves. Human beings are better than animals because we have self control; that is why we do better than other animals, in addition to the other evolved features. Use your humanity to create a better gene pool for your offspring. The human specieses requires it.

(Robots are not yet our children, and won't be for quite some years yet.)

Ok, I should link a ready-made prenup form right here. I don't have any. Any good modern lawyers that can write this up and make it effective?
